In both board games and sports I incorporate self-inflicted rules to either better my performance, or make the game more fun. Like I’ve mentioned in previous posts, I played water polo, swam, and ran cross country. I also love to play board games. Some of the self-inflicted rules that I place upon myself during a run, for example, is not stopping to walk, no matter what they mileage of the workout is. I also would apply the same to any swim workout. If I tell myself to do a certain amount of sets, but it feels like I can’t finish it, I will make myself do it regardless. In terms of board games, I was always a spoil sport when I was little. Making up my own rules and quitting before the game was even over. As a consequence, my parents made me clean up the whole game when it was over.
Even if it’s a game I’m not enjoying, I’ll try my best to finish it, although not guaranteed- a lot like homework. If you can from a family that played a lot of board games, most likely another family would have some tweaking of the general rules. Once upon a time I play The Sims and was absolutely addicted. One of the rules I set up for myself in that game was not using the cheat code to get more money unless my poor Sim family was on the verge of a painful death. I think self-inflicted rules are very important, and in a way supplement goals you set for yourself. Whether the rules are followed is up to how much self control and determination you have.