BoRT 3

Extended play-There has been one experience I’ve had with gaming where it ended up bleeding into my day to day life. About seven years ago I went to Seattle for Thanksgiving to visit family. I have a cousin who is about a year younger than me and he was currently experiencing an obsession over the game Left for Dead. I’m not much of a gamer, but all of my other family members were much older or younger than me so I joined into the game with my cousin. In this game you can team up or play alone, but the objective is to complete campaigns while attempting not to get eaten by zombies. My cousin and I became thouroughly obsessed with this game during the four days of my visit and it was all that we could do. We stayed up late playing, even tried to duck out of Thanksgiving dinner early to feed our hunger of zombie slaying. Somewhere along the line this videogame world crossed over into my dream world and it was all I would dream about too. When our parents would manage to drag us away from the television screen and out into the real world, we would defy the real world by continuing to talk about the game and discuss scenarios. Although I knew that this game was simply a game during the day, despite all my big talk of zombie slaying, at night it was a different story. I was sleeping in the basement of their spacious house with my sister, and when I would make the treck down for bed at the end of the night, I would have to sprint to my bed, just in case I was being chased by zombies. Even today this fear of being chased up stairs out of a dark basement follows me, as I’m sure it follows everyone, and I’ve never found quite the same rush as viciously murdering zombies offers me.

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