Nardi Reading Response

First off, I don’t have a clue of what the cemented thesis is. Nardi lacks a clear argument and created more of an “I like WoW” and “Look what people can do with WoW” book. She is definitely the type of person I think of when I see anthropological writing. What I have noticed during…

A Blast From the Past (and Paper Sources)

As a WoW veteran, this was an enlightening and simultaneously all too familiar book. While I actually can’t say I’ve ever participated in Raid culture myself (I only think I ever actually reached level cap once, despite several peer-pressured attempts made through Azeroth), much of the interactions Nardi discusses I have witnessed first hand. Sadly,…

Edwards Response to Bonnie Nardi’s Life as an Elf Priest

When I picked this book up in the bookstore I thought that it was going to be a real hassle to read it, but I did enjoy it. I don’t think that I am going to start playing WoW anytime soon, but I definitely now have a greater appreciation and understanding of the game, and…

Bonnie Nardi response

Bonnie Nardi’s anthropological account of World of Warcraft was exactly what I was told it was going to be but not was I was expecting by any means. Nardi does a great job at introducing people to the game and give readers the background knowledge required to understand exactly what is going on. I guess…


My Life as a Night Elf Priest is a book that when I saw it I thought I was not going to understand it. I have never played World of Warcraft, I just have heard of people becoming addicted to this game. However, to come to think of it, I think my cousin use to…

Film Review: Indie Game: The Movie

“Let me take my deepest vulnerabilities and put them in a game.” The indie game creator of Braid, Jonathan Blow, stated this at the end of a documentary created by Lisanne Pajot and James Swirsky. It follows the story of two independent games, Super Meat Boy and Fez. It goes through the inner workings, specifically…

Shotgun Camping

Halo has a distinct rhythm, a flow that acts as a hallmark of almost any match. It is a combination of movement, positioning, the act of engaging and disengaging and shooting. This flow is the core appeal of multiplayer Halo. Most players participate in this flow, this accepted method of playing. While subverting this flow…

BoRT Response

BoRT Questions 3: As I am sure all of you know, my experience with video games essentially just does not exist. Please bear with me as I reflect on my high school days of playing the Nintendo Wii and pretending I know about video games. I am not an avid gamer by any means, but…

Millennial Monsters

Throughout Anne Allison’s book, the intertwinement of capitalism and fantasy and its impact on American soft power and Japanese globalism are discussed through various examples. I thought her writing style was a bit dense at times, but still readable nonetheless. I felt like an underlying theme throughout her book was the topic of relationships in…