Tag Archive for introduction

Introduction: Casey

Hi there! My name is Casey. I am a senior in International Relations with a Minor in History. I am passionate about human rights and my primary area of study is in the cause and effects of genocide and human rights violations, and cold war conflict. I am really excited to learn about the history…

About Me

Hello everyone! My name is Chantal, I am a super senior and pursuing a degree in History with a minor in psychology. My husband is the gamer of my relationship, and I avoid it like the plague.  Having said this, strategy board games are a favorite past time.  The more complicated the better!  Zombicide is…


Hi there. My name is Oliver Manning and I am a Senior at MSU in History. I have been playing video games for almost my whole life, though I have focused primarily on non Japanese and Asian titles, having never owned a Nintendo Console. I am looking forward to this course and to being able to…


My name is Anya and I am from Missoula Mt. studying in my thrid year of History at MSU. I don’t have any experience in video gaming other than games played on computers in grade school like, as many of you have already mentioned, Oregon Trail etc. I’ve played soccer all my life and enjoyed playing…

A little about me

Hello everyone my name is Maria. Maria is a pseudonym I have decided to use for this course as I am more comfortable with using it online than my own personal name. I am a History-Teaching Option major with an Asia Studies Minor on the way. I enjoy playing video games on a casual basis…

An intro from the overlord (“overlord”)

Since I demanded all of you do a self-introduction (thank you to everyone that has posted thus far!), I thought it was only fair that I do my own – even though I babbled at you plenty at our introductory course meeting. I am a modern Chinese cultural historian: my primary work currently is on…

My introduction

Hi everyone. My name is Alan, and I’m a senior history major. I don’t have a long history with gaming; I have never gamed on a computer (aside from Oregon trail) and didn’t own a console until the first Xbox, although I spent time playing on N64’s at friends’ houses. That said, I still play…

My Wonderful Informative Post

My name is Caitlin. I originally come from Vancouver, WA. I’m a senior studying History (specifically United States) and museum studies. My knowledge in the gaming department comes from experience and minor studying on certain game stories and game history. My favorite color is green. I like to bake and make jewelry. Although, most of my…

More Introductions

Like I had said in class, my name is Patrick and I am an Asian History major as well as a games (and film) enthusiast. As a result, one of my main hobbies is critical discourse involved with games, narrative, etc., and my usual partner in crime in this regard is Griffin. However, I am…

random facts about myself

I’m Keenan Talamo and I am a sophomore majoring in history (teaching option). I grew up in Southern California and came to Montana to finally experience snow and to get far away from the other Orange County people. Like Griffin I play competitive super smash bros and was raised in a nintendo household. My mother…