Tag Archive for Blogs of the Round Table

BoRT February: Single Player Co-op

I have to admit, I’m kind of weird when it comes to playing most games. Unlike a lot of people, I actually find it pretty hard to validate playing single player games on my own, although that’s not to say that I didn’t or don’t now. This is to the degree that I find it…

BotRT February

The February prompt is a little weird for me to discuss. This is because I usually do not play multi or dual player games, I prefer the solo route. I do not like playing with other people. This is not because I look down on other players or get annoyed by them it is because…

Blog of the Round Table 3. I couldn’t relate to this one at all

For the third BoRT I think it is easiest to talk about games blending with reality when I was a kid and games seemed to be a lot more magical since you didn’t quite understand the real world yet. I grew up in a Nintendo household where I played NES games with my mom, since…

BotRT 3: Synesthetic Gamefeel

I was at the YMCA at swimming lessons sometime before I turned 6. My gaming obsession, at the time, was a gold-boxed N64 game that my mother bought me on its release day: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. I hadn’t ever swam before — it was my first week at lessons — at…