Monthly Archives: January 2015
About Me
by cjakob •
Hello everyone! My name is Chantal, I am a super senior and pursuing a degree in History with a minor in psychology. My husband is the gamer of my relationship, and I avoid it like the plague. Having said this, strategy board games are a favorite past time. The more complicated the better! Zombicide is…
First Reading Response
by Edbo •
I found this weeks readings to be pretty stimulating as far as how I think about what it means to “play.” Houzinga’s piece “Homo Ludens” was especially conductive for my thoughts about what it means to play. I especially like how he recalls that the activity of “play” existed long before humans were ever around.…
by Oliver •
by Alexina •
A little about me
by Maria •
An intro from the overlord (“overlord”)
by Maggie Greene •
My introduction
by Alan Kloosterhof •
“Man dies after 3-day online gaming binge”
by Skye •
My Wonderful Informative Post
by cgill •
My name is Caitlin. I originally come from Vancouver, WA. I’m a senior studying History (specifically United States) and museum studies. My knowledge in the gaming department comes from experience and minor studying on certain game stories and game history. My favorite color is green. I like to bake and make jewelry. Although, most of my…