
Week 4 Response

The article on Pokémon was very interesting, I’ll admit I didnt think I would like it as I never played or watched Pokémon as a child and was annoyed when it’s what my friends started doing. It was interesting to see how this particular product was marketed to fit into a global sphere rather than just the Asian sphere.…

Caillois Response

Caillois breakdown of play into disinct categories was much more helpful in understanding this academic, in-depth analysis of ‘play’ than the long drawn out writings of Huizinga. I still wonder though why someone feels the need to break down ‘play’ this far, but maybe thats because it is still an emerging field and people are…

Post 1

When I signed up for this class, I was confused as to how a class could be centered around games and play. And after the first day meeting I was worried we would be mostly talking about videogaming and board games. After starting on the first article I realized that there was an entire background…


My name is Anya and I am from Missoula Mt. studying in my thrid year of History at MSU. I don’t have any experience in video gaming other than games played on computers in grade school like, as many of you have already mentioned, Oregon Trail etc. I’ve played soccer all my life and enjoyed playing…