The NPR peice I read was about two voice over actors in the videogame industry. Honestly, I had never thought about the voices in vidoegames, I guess I imagined they were computer generated. ( which is probably the case for lower budget games) It was interesting to read how the two voice actors for two…
Final Paper
by Alexina •
Anya Pearson Objectification of Women in the Videogame Industry Videogames, A method of play that was once thought to be specifically sought out by adolescent males. Something that was once considered a waste of time. Video games are now an extremely popular form of media, one that involves the player and causes them to…
Short Take: PBS Article
by Alexina •
The PBS article I read was about how female gamers have trumphed adolesant male gamer numbers of late. First of all they made it seem like female gamers are overtaking male gamers as a whole, when in actuality the results from their article state that they are only overtaking 18 year old males, not all…
BoRT post: Palette swaps
by Alexina •
Raising the Stakes Response
by Alexina •
BoRT post 2 (?)
by Alexina •
by Alexina •
Last week, we were talking about Massive Multiplayer Online gaming with World of Warcraft. This weeks reading mentions a little on MMO’s in the Games of Empire reading. With the material this week I’ve found that video gaming is a huge culture, and a form of media on its own. What surprised me the most…
BoRT post 1
by Alexina •
Self-regulated or self-inflicted rules are something that everyone evaluates differently. Playing a game with someone can either be fun,challenging, or boring based on the rules they place in the game sphere. I love to play Solitaire on my phone, not just as something to pass the time but something I like to do. There are…