
Short Take: NPR

The NPR peice I read was about two voice over actors in the videogame industry. Honestly, I had never thought about the voices in vidoegames, I guess I imagined they were computer generated. ( which is probably the case for lower budget games) It was interesting to read how the two voice actors for two…

Final Paper

Anya Pearson Objectification of Women in the Videogame Industry   Videogames, A method of play that was once thought to be specifically sought out by adolescent males. Something that was once considered a waste of time. Video games are now an extremely popular form of media, one that involves the player and causes them to…

Short Take: PBS Article

The PBS article I read was about how female gamers have trumphed adolesant male gamer numbers of late. First of all they made it seem like female gamers are overtaking male gamers as a whole, when in actuality the results from their article state that they are only overtaking 18 year old males, not all…

BoRT post: Palette swaps

Palette swaps, not much I can say about this idea video game- wise but I can compare it to… you guessed it, soccer. My sister got a Nintendo Wii a while back for Christmas and we had a blast building our avatars for the Wii games. Sometimes we would make them look like us, sometimes…

Raising the Stakes Response

First of all, this book gave me quite a few surprises along the way. I ha no idea that South Korea was largely interested in pro gaming, let alone being the land of the pro gamer. I assumed it would have been China or Japan. I wonder if they still are considered the leaders in…

BoRT post 2 (?)

What do games do to foster teamwork, and how do they bring us closer to others? The obvious example for me to use, and the one that brings the most to mind to answer this, is soccer. When playing on my high school team, we would bong through team bonding activities. We were also practicing…


Last week, we were talking about Massive Multiplayer Online gaming with World of Warcraft. This weeks reading mentions a little on MMO’s in the Games of Empire reading. With the material this week I’ve found that video gaming is a huge culture, and a form of media on its own. What surprised me the most…

BoRT post 1

Self-regulated or self-inflicted rules are something that everyone evaluates differently. Playing a game with someone can either be fun,challenging, or boring based on the rules they place in the game sphere. I love to play Solitaire on my phone, not just as something to pass the time but something I like to do. There are…

Elf Priest Response

WoW, is what I have to say. But seriously, this book was a great insight for me into the world of online (?) gaming. It is crazy to see how involved some people get into the game play! I always thought of videogaming as more of a solo operation, where you could play with whoever…

BoRT 3

Extended play-There has been one experience I’ve had with gaming where it ended up bleeding into my day to day life. About seven years ago I went to Seattle for Thanksgiving to visit family. I have a cousin who is about a year younger than me and he was currently experiencing an obsession over the…