by Maria •
Millennial Monsters
by Maria •
BotRT March Prompt “Extended Play”
by Maria •
The Shock of the Old response
by Maria •
Brownell response
by Maria •
I will admit that it was a little boring for me this time around, but I believe that it was because I was expecting more of an anthropological perspective than a historical perspective when I started reading this book. The way it was introduced made it start out with her experiences and maybe going into…
Go Nation
by Maria •
Response and Image
by Maria •
Pachisi response
by Maria •
Caillois Reading Response
by Maria •
This weeks reading on Caillois was a bit mind numbing I must admit. The book/research was interesting itself but I could not understand Caillois’ obsession with categories. Everything he wrote about games was fit into a category, then a sub category, and after that categories were mixed and matched, or debunked as being able to…