To say that Daumal holds mountains as an ideal would be making a gross understatement. Mount Analogue is filled to the brim with helcionic comparisons between ideal states of being and mountaineering. Daumal makes an excellent point that in myth and folklore mountains are heavily featured as a means in which divinity meets humanity upon;…
Week 2
Reading Response, Week 2
Mount Analogue
by Matt •
On page 70 – 71, Rene Daumal explains who and what glaciers are, “…you could learn a lot from the observation of glaciers. Perhaps nature has made them in a first attempt to create living beings by exclusively physical processes.” Here, I feel Daumal is comparing himself and mountaineers to a glacier and answering the…
Reading Response, Week 2
Mount Analogue
by Colton •
I had started reading Mount Analogue with the assumption that this was a book of non-fiction. I read the first couple chapters with apprehension. The whole premise of the journey seemed suspicious. I did not quite understand the science behind the theory of Mount Analogue either, but I just went with it. I suspected the…