
The Final Paper

My final paper topic is going to be about the many effects of tourism on mountaineering and mountains themselves. The final paper is going to touch briefly on variety of ramifications that have been caused and from several viewpoints from the perspective of guides, support staff (i.e. Sherpas) and adventure tourists themselves. My sources include:…


http://www.outsideonline.com/2057971/why-you-should-know-women-mixed-climbing This particular article is a fun tidbit about women in mixed climbing. I chose it because it really gripped me by stating that unlike a lot of other areas of mountaineering and climbing mixed climbing is actually really balanced evenly between the two sexes. Furthermore women are able to keep up with the men,…

Final Paper Topic

My paper topic is going to be a history of pollution and the growth of tourism on Mount Everest from mid 1900’s to now. From what I was finding pollution on Everest is improving but was major concern during the 1980s. My most useful article to make a lot of major points will be Vanity, Pollution and…

The Disposable Man

We have talked about the importance of Everest climbing commercialization and how it has benefited the sherpa community of Nepal. However, this article explores the very real and problematic issues that surround the incredibly dangerous work that Sherpas undertake while working on Everest. Faced with the very real possibility of death, or serious injury these…

First Female Ascents

This week I wanted to follow up on some of our earlier discussion about gender in the mountains. While this article is not focused on the Himalaya, I feel that the same dialogue exists there. Andrew Bisharat (of Rock and Ice fame) provides an easily digested and interesting investigation of this highly charged subject, even…

Personal Article of Interest Week 15 George Montopoli

The articles that I chose to present to the class this week are about George Montopoli a personal family friend and prominent mountain climber and ranger in the Grand Tetons National Park. The two articles that I attached are about an ongoing project he and his daughter have embarked upon in which they attempt to…

Orientalism and Post Colonialism

The idea’s presented within these articles are fascinating, to say the least. The idea of post-colonialism and Orientalism provide a sufficient background with the types of ethnocentric beliefs and ideas that were conceived about the vast unknown areas of the Middle East and the surrounding areas that would constitute the Orient. Edward W. Said having…

A matter of perspective.

I’d like to begin by addressing the first of Said’s three pillars of his ‘reality’. He discusses in some length the difference between ‘pure’ and ‘political’ knowledge, as well as the challenges and inconveniences of telling the two apart. Personally, I think Said was a little hasty in passing over circumstances where pure knowledge is…

Week 14 Orientalism

The topic of Post colonialism is a very hefty topic which no surprise came with a slightly hefty reading.  In the sense that it is a stretching topic that has roots, most obviously, in earlier themes such as, no surprise, colonialism.  The readings from these week highlighted this very well and showed a range of…

Week 14

The detailed account by Said defines orientalism as India and the Biblical lands of the Middle East. The term, “Oriental”, was used to describe the Middle East and it’s near and far surroundings. Said shows the point of view that the West held about the East, including the political, historical, and cultural views. The Orient is…