Adriel Stokes HSTR_467 5/6/2016 Final Paper Illuminating Trends in Psychological Narratives in Mountaineering and Climbing Literature There are two explanations that can account for the reason that there is such a vast amount of mountaineering literature. The first is that they make for good reads; they are exciting, often filled with themes…
Final Paper: The Black Hills of South Dakota
by mkg •
The Black Hills of South Dakota: The Religious, Spiritual, Cultural and Traditional Embodiment of Mountains within Sioux/Lakota Tribes Throughout the world, across all mountain ranges, and differing ethnicities, mountains have provided symbolism, religion, traditional cultural practice, and a way of life for all that call mountains home. While some mountains are vast, others are smaller,…
Touring in Nepal: The Effects of Tourism on Nepal and its Sustainability
by Josh •
It was not until the nineteen-fifties that Nepal opened its borders to foreigners (Ortner, 30). Following this opening up of Nepal’s borders, one of the largest sources of income in the country has been tourism and adventure travel. Although many of Nepal’s Sherpa people had left for India for work, and had began porter work…
Final Papers, Uncategorized
Mountain theology of Mesoamerica
by Colton •
Mountains have a unique ability to put the human race in a state of awe. Throughout the world, and across time, civilizations have exalted mountains far beyond simple geological structures. Mountains are physical boundaries and therefore protectors. More abstractly, mountains symbolize stability, determination, and a place where one can find solace. Mountains are also contradictory, for example,…
Final Papers, Uncategorized
Terrorism and War in the Himalayas
by wmg •
Terrorism is a word that originated around 130 years ago to reference anarchist that committed such deeds as murdering Archduke Ferdinand. In more recent history, it commonly refers to Islamic radical groups that are waging war in the name of Jihad. Terrorism is commonly known for the intent of spreading mass amounts of fear. This…
Finding Eden: The Tourist Industry in the World’s Mountains
by mmd •
The image associated with mountains has undergone some drastic changes in the past couple of centuries. From being mythical sights of monsters and terror, morphing into territory to be conquered and mapped, and now into a sight of serene beauty and tranquility. Now peaks and ranges are places that are actively sought out and explored.…
Everest (2015) Movie Review
by The Crooked Spoke •
Everest (2015) Just in the nick of time! Hollywood has finally had their hack at the story of the 1996 disaster on Mt. Everest, and just in time for me to review it! The first pleasant surprise provided by this film was that it is not just Into thin Air rehashed and dramatized. The second nice surprise was…
A Fighting Heart (Seven Summits – Book Review)
by The Crooked Spoke •
Seven Summits – Dick Bass & Frank Wells with Rick Ridgeway (Rick Ridgeway wrote it, Dick Bass and Frank Wells were the major contributors of information) For the mountaineering reader who wants it all comes Seven Summits, the chronicle of Dick Bass’s endeavor to summit the tallest peak on each continent. You’ll get your dose of disaster…
Film Review, Uncategorized
The Eiger Sanction
by Colton •
The Eiger Sanction, both directed by and starring Clint Eastwood, is one of those tacky classic action movies from the mid 1970’s. I chose this movie because I was looking for something cliché and cheesy, and in that endeavor, I succeeded. It was quite humorous each time there was a widely thrown punch followed by a poorly placed yet over exaggerated punching…