Dave Morton Is Quitting Everest. Maybe. (It’s Complicated). [Outside Online – on a guide considering leaving off guiding on Everest]
The invention of nature (Geographical; on Alexander von Humbolt & his Naturgemälde)
What Happens to Your Body at 29,000 Feet? (The Red Bulletin)
“Are We Allowed to Enjoy Daphne du Maurier?” – Slavoj Žižek – thoughts on du Maurier as an author (in case you’re not already familiar with her works!)
The price the Sherpas pay for Westerners to climb Everest – The Economist (on the 2015 documentary Sherpa: Trouble on Mount Everest)
An intro from the professorial overlord (“overlord”)
by Maggie Greene •
Since I demanded all of you do a self-introduction, I thought it was only fair that I do my own – even though I babbled at you plenty at our introductory course meeting. I am a modern Chinese cultural historian: my primary work currently is on cultural reform and censorship in the People’s Republic of…
Course Business
On (academically) writing about the “most literary of sports”
by Maggie Greene •

… Young people often ask, “How does one become a writer?” My answer is always simply: “By writing.” Writing is like experience: if you don’t experience things, then you won’t understand life; and if you don’t write, then you won’t know what you’re capable of creating. Yu Hua, China in Ten Words Mountaineering is often described…
Course Business
Hello seminar!
by Maggie Greene •

Welcome to the digital home of HSTR 467, History of Mountaineering (Greater Ranges edition), a SP 2016 seminar at Montana State University. I’m still working out some kinks in the website, so please forgive any hiccups along the way. My hope is this will be a more useful platform than D2L for facilitating your writing…