Mountains have a unique ability to put the human race in a state of awe. Throughout the world, and across time, civilizations have exalted mountains far beyond simple geological structures. Mountains are physical boundaries and therefore protectors. More abstractly, mountains symbolize stability, determination, and a place where one can find solace. Mountains are also contradictory, for example,…
Film Review, Uncategorized
The Eiger Sanction
by Colton •
The Eiger Sanction, both directed by and starring Clint Eastwood, is one of those tacky classic action movies from the mid 1970’s. I chose this movie because I was looking for something cliché and cheesy, and in that endeavor, I succeeded. It was quite humorous each time there was a widely thrown punch followed by a poorly placed yet over exaggerated punching…
Final Paper proposal
by Colton •
I am still trying to figure out a thesis for the paper, but I know that i want to research how various cultures view the mountains, i e religious views and philosophy. I really enjoyed the first chapter of Mount Analogue, when it was describing how different cultures use mountains in their legends, such as…
There are still some “Firsts” out there!
by Colton •
This is a fun and easy read about a group of mountaineers who travel to south-east Asia in order to find the highest mountain in the area and ascend it. the article is supplemented by a six-minute video. I chose this article because It shows that even today, there are still some “firsts” to be climbed.…
Book Review
Between a Rock and a Hard Place
by Colton •
Between a Rock and a Hard Place is a true story that few people have not heard. If they do not know the book or protagonist by name, they more than likely know the basics of the tale. Aron Ralston is an extreme outdoorsman, a seasoned and experienced mountaineer. He has climbed most of the highest peaks of…
Reading Response, Uncategorized
Post Colonialism
by Colton •
Although Climbing Mount Everest: Post Colonialism in the culture of ascent, may be considered informative to some, at this point in the class there was little that Slemon wrote that this class has not already discussed at length. The subject of the ownership of Mount Everest is not so cut and dry. At the expense of…
True Summit
by Colton •
True Summit has proved to be a confusing book thus far. It is difficult to decide what is fiction and what is fact. If nothing else, the book shows that these people are not monolithic in character. It proves that people are contradictory and complex in nature. Some of Herzog’s suspected lies do not make…
Reading Response, Uncategorized
Life and Death on Mt. Everset
by Colton •
Life and Death on Mt. Everest: Sherpas and Himalayan Mountaineering is an interesting account of the relationships that are created through mountaineering. While this book is an enjoyable read, I do not have as big of a reaction towards this book as I have had with the others. I learned many things and though…
Reading Response
Into Thin Air
by Colton •
I tried to shake myself from the pessimistic feelings that had recently developed since reading Shit Happens, but it had primed me for this weeks reading. I tried to see the clients as genuine enthusiasts and lovers of the sport of Mountaineering, yet my disdain persisted. I do not think these climbers deserved to be…
Reading Response, Week 9
K2 The Savage Mountain
by Colton •
When assembling the team, Robert Bates writes that the climber’s character is more important than their climbing ability. They were looking for humble men; men who would not put their own personal glory above the expedition. I believe that they found the men they were looking for. Peppered throughout the book are instances in…