My final project on will be on the development and progression of women’s rights and privileges within the sport of mountaineering. I will seek to show how as women’s rights advanced in mainstream society so to did women’s rights in the sport of mountaineering. It will touch on not only how far these rights have come, but also how it isn’t fully equal even in our day and age.
-Women Who Dare by Chris nobel, North America’s Most Inspiring Women Climbers
-Women on High, Pioneers of Mountaineering by Rebecca A. Brown
–Imperial Ascent by Bayers
-Frohlick, “’Wanting the Children and Wanting K2’”
-Schrepfer, Nature’s Altars
-Women Climbers 1850-1900: A challenge to Male Hegemony? by Clara Roche
–Mountaineering, Masculinity, and the Male body in Mid-Victorian Britain By Michael Reidy
Important sources:
Two of my most important sources are Women who dare and Women on high these are important because Women who dare shows the modern side of mountaineering women profiling and describing the experiences of women who are famous in the climbing world and shows their challenges and accomplishments in the sport and Women on High shows the older generation of women who defied mountaineering norms in order to gain more respect in the sport as a whole and did so during a time of change in regards to women’s rights and these two texts together really show the contrast between earlier and modern mountaineering and therefore really help with my paper as a whole.